Dia dhaoibh, a chairde go léir
So you've made it this far! Welcome and thanks for stopping by :)
My name is Aoife, phonetically spelled as "eefa", for those not familiar with Gaelic names! I live in the city centre of Dublin, Ireland, in a teeny house, with my wonderful husband Adam.
I am a passionate photographer, keen to show the world through an authentic lens and capture all the moments that make life special, confronting, fleeting, and memorable. I love to shoot everything from rugged landscapes and bright city horizons, to the elusive beauty of nature's wildlife, to wonderfully mundane, banal street scenes, to special occasions and moments in people's lives.
Over the years of trialing and testing photography styles, I have learned to steer away from the idea of creating "picture perfection", but rather revelling in the beautiful imperfection of life on Earth. I am energised by exploring what it means to be present and part of a world that struggles with its own self-image; how it is versus how it wants to be.
My mission and aim is to capture moments and things as I truly see them, and to proudly show this to you, the viewer, so that you can experience it too, through another lens.